Key patterns to try on any fast river. Sets of flies to tempt fish whether they are hugging the river bed or rising to late hatching duns.
At the bottom of the page are some tyings to suit chalkstreams. Some new flies as well.
Big Leaded Hydropsyche Larva
These are medium weight flies and suited to shallow water work. Tied to be chewed!
2 x Big Hydropsyche Larva #8 - £1.10
2 x Big Hydropsyche Larva #10 - £1.10
Big Green Larva
Free swimming caddis larve feature high on the diet of Grayling and Trout
2 x Big Green Larva #8 - £1.10
2 x Big Green Larva #10 - £1.10
Grayling Spiders
The fish still love fancy spiders.These sets include - Red Tag, Sturdy's Fancy and Treacle Parkin.
6 x Grayling Spiders #12 - £2.40
6 x Grayling Spiders #14 - £2.40
6 x Grayling Spiders #16 - £2.40
Tied in different weights to make balanced teams of heavy nymphs.
Sumoweight - Tungsten Stonefly
Tied with 2 & 3mm orange/lime and black nickel beads plus lead wire these are the heaviest fies in these sets
6 x Tungsten Stoneflies #10 for £3.90
Super Heavyweight Czech Nymphs
These are tied with lead wire as well and are heavier than the standard leaded patterns
Super Heavyweight Czech Nymphs #10/12
Goldbead Hares Ear - GB White Larva - GB Killer Bug
9 x Super Heavyweight Czech Nymphs #10/12 for £3.90
Heavyweight Czech Nymphs(1) #10/12
Tied with lead wire these are the still pretty heavy flies.
Gold Ribbed Hares Era - KIller Bug - Pink Larva
9 x Heavyweight Czech Nymphs #10/12 for £3.90
Heavyweight Czech Larva(2) #10/12
Different tyings to try.
Hydropsyche Larva - Green Larva - Red Larva
9 x Heavyweight Czech Nymphs (2) for £3.90
For more Czech Nymphs including Black Nickel bead tyings - click here
Peeping Caddis Larva
Tied on longshank nymph hooks with an Old Gold 3mm bead and lead, a fast sinking fly to tempt bottom feeders.
3 x Peeping Caddis #14 - £1.65
3 x Peeping Caddis #12 - £1.65
Old Gold Larva
Similar to the Peeping Caddis but includes a hot lime tag, again 3mm bead and lead to make it sink.
3 x Old Gold Larva #12 - £1.65
3 x Old Gold Larva #14 - £1.65
These are smaller and lighter than the Czech Nymphs. Combine smaller tyings with larger patterns to give the fish a choice.
The nymphs are hackled, Larva patterns are slimline and sink faster.
Alpine Nymphs #12
Hares Ear - Mayfly - Stonefly
9 x Alpine Nymphs #12 - £3.90
Alpine Larva #12
Fast sinking patterns for fast water
White Larva - Tan Larva - Pheasant Tail Larva
9 x Alpine Larva #12 - £3.90
Now some flies to tempt rising Grayling.
The 'F' Fly is first choice, it is especially effective at tempting fish taking small midges and duns.
Tied with red silk for extra attraction
9 x 'F' Flies #16/18 - £3.90
9 x 'F' Flies #18/20 - £3.90
Try these in faster water
Micro Caddis #18
Tied in Natural dun and rust red, super for fast water.
9 x Micro Caddis #18 - £3.90
Deer Hair Klinkhammers #12
These are large floating flies that will bring fish up in fast water. Useful strike indicators as well.
6 x Deer Hair Klinkhammers #12 - £2.90
Fancy Spiders
Traditional flies that are well worth a cast. The fish haven't changed.
Wet Flies - Red Tag - Sturdy's Fancy - Treacle Parkin - Silver March Brown - Flamethrower
10 x Wet Grayling Spiders #14 - £3.90
10 x Wet Grayling Spiders #16 - £3.90
10 x Wet Grayling Spiders #14/16 - £3.90
Dry Flies - Red Tag - Treacle Parkin - Black Spider
9 x Dry Grayling Spiders #14 - £3.90
9 x Dry Grayling Spiders #16 - £3.90
9 x Dry Grayling Spiders #14/16 - £3.90
Also suitable for slower pools on fast rivers.
Pheasant Tail Nymphs
Ideal to cast at rising fish as well as fishing to nymphing fish in deeper water.
Weighted with copper wire.
6 x Pheasant Tail Nymphs #14/16 - £2.50
6 x Pheasant Tail Nymphs #16/18 - £2.50
Killer Bugs
If the Pheasant Tails do not sink deep enough try these, weighted with lead wire they are heavier.
6 x Killer Bugs #14/16 - £2.50
6 x Killer Bugs #16/18 - £2.50
Leaded Shrimps
Tied with a pearl flash back try these in coloured water.
6 x Leaded Shrimp #12/14 - £2.50
6 x Leaded Pink Shrimp #12/14 - £2.50