Tummel Spiders
Tied to fish the fast flowing river of the same name, these tyings are suitable for any fast flowing river. Tied short, the weight of the hook sinks the fly quickly, sparse dressing creat lifelike imitations of a whole range of insects in various stages of life, swimming pupa/nymph, drowned adults,emwergers. Tied with sombre natural coloured materials. Dun, March Brown and Black Gnat included.
6 flies #14 for £2.70
6 flies #16 for £2.70
Tied with a semi palmered hackle these flies could well have been the first emergers? W.C Stewarts ' The Practical Angler is still about and relevant, how many new titles will last 150 years? Black Spider, Red Spider and Dun Spider included.
6 Stewart Spiders #14 - £2.70 form action="https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr" method="post" target="_blank">
6 Stewart Spiders #16 - £2.70
These are tied on the finest wire hooks I can get, they are stronger than you might think but need to used with care if you are tempting 1lb plus fish. DT3/4 floating lines and 2lb leaders with stretch help.
6 x Wild Stewart Spiders #14 - £2.70
6 x Wild Stewart Spiders #16 - £2.70
6 x Wild Tummel Spiders #14 - £2.70
6 x Wild Tummel Spiders #16 - £2.70