Dryflies and in the film emergers on this page, tied in two distinct styles:
Stillwater - Tied on medium sized down eye hooks, use these in a wave on any stillwater for brown or rainbow trout, extra materials are used which help if you intend to work the fly. All can be fished as a bobfly.
Running Water - Tied on small, fine wire hooks and less dressing, if you like sparse tyings try these. Fish dead drift as single flies.
Supplied in seasonal colours, usually light/dark olive and dun/olive.
At the bottom of the page are selections that cover most situations on running and stillwaters.
Stillwater Dryflies:
Deer Klinkhammer FW#14 -
Tied on a wide gape caddis hook, a larger fly than the size suggests. One of the best flies to use for wild brown or sea trout on loch and river
3 x Deer Klinkhammer #12 - £1.95
3 x Deer Klinkhammer #14 for £1.95
Deer CDC Caddis FW#14
Again larger than you think use this as a single dryfly or on the top dropper with a buzzer/nymph on the point.
3 x CDC Caddis #14 for £1.50
3 x CDC Caddis #12 for £1.50
This abstract tying works better than standard patterns, it looks and acts 'alive'
2 x #12 flies for £1.50
2 x #14 flies for £1.50
Try these when fish are feeding on upwinged duns from full size Mayflies to smaller Olives and simliar.
3 x Straggler Mayfly #12 - £1.50
3 x Straggler Mayfly #14 - £1.50
3 x Straggler Mayfly #16 - £1.50
Try this on any surface feeding fish, the long hackles create a pin print on the water that tempt most fish whatever they are feeding on.
Tied on medium shank hooks.
3 x Long Legged Black Gnat #14 - £1.50
3 x Long Legged Black Gnat #16 - £1.50
This simple fly is first choice for fish feeding on midges, small caddis, needle flies and smaller olives. The #14 is larger than it sounds (lots of CDC).
3 x CDC 'F' Fly #14 - £1.50
3 x CDC 'F' Fly #16 - £1.50
3 x CDC 'F' Fly #18 - £1.50
3 x CDC 'F' Fly #20 - £1.50
Use this when Daddies are about, worked or left to drift, especially useful in the Highlands & Islands where we have plenty of wet ground and a large number of natural Daddies that the wind deposit on the water most of the warmer months.
3 x Straggler #12 - £1.50
3 x Straggler #14 - £1.50
3 x Straggler #16 - £1.50
BUMP TENKARA (Dry/Emerger)
Just about the best floating fly to use for wild Brown Trout on loch or river, looks unlikely but the fish love it.
Gink to float or fish natural soggy/sunk
3 x Bump Tenkara #14 - £1.45
3 x Bump Tenkara #16 - £1.45
CDC TENKARA (Emerger/Dry)
Forward facing CDC makes this style sit in the film with the body below, a useful fly in calm water.
3 x CDC Tenkara #14 - £1.45
3 x CDC Tenkara #16 - £1.45
Again a deadly tying for wild trout. Tied with less deer so it sits nicely in the film.
3 x Hackled Zero Wyatts #14 - £1.45
3 x Hackled Zero Wyatts #16 - £1.45
Very effective in the film dryfly. Gink the wing to sit just right, tied in colours that will tempt fish on all waters
3 x Dubbed Wyatts (Claret) #14 - £1.45
3 x Dubbed Wyatts (Claret) #16 - £1.45
3 x Dubbed Wyatts (Claret) #18 - £1.45
3 x Dubbed Wyatts (Black) #14 - £1.45
3 x Dubbed Wyatts (Black) #16 - £1.45
3 x Dubbed Wyatts (Black) #18 - £1.45
3 x Dubbed Wyatts (Olive) #14 - £1.45
3 x Dubbed Wyatts (Olive) #16 - £1.45
3 x Dubbed Wyatts (Olive) #18 - £1.45
CDC HARES EAR (Emerger/Dry)
Tied Shipmans style in natural dun colours, gink to float or fish semi sunk.
3 x CDC Hares Ear #14 - £1.45
3 x CDC Hares Ear #16 - £1.45
Tied to hang in the film another pattern that benefits from being dried with tissue between casts.
3 x CDC Shuttlecocks #14 - £1.45
3 x CDC Shuttlecocks #16 - £1.45
Running Water Dryflies:
Deer Klinkhammer #14/16
Tied with fine grade deer hair and long hackles that prick the surface and tempts fish on any water.
3 x Deer Klinkhammer #14 Flies for £1.95
3 x Deer Klinkhammer #16 Flies for £1.95
Deer CDC Caddis #14/16
One of the best patterns to use in fast water, floats well and can be easily seen in most light/water conditions.
3 x Deer CDC Caddis #14 for £1.50
3 x Deer CDC Caddis #16 for £1.50
Tied thin with a CDC wing and fine cock hackle, ginked this fly floats in the film, ideal for calm water pools. The LS#16 tying is great for catch and release.
3 x Long Legged Black Gnat #16 - £1.50
3 x Long Legged Black Gnat #18 - £1.50
3 x Long Legged Black Gnat #20 - £1.50
3 x Long Legged Black Gnat LS#16 - £1.50
Try these for dun feeding fish, tied thin. Use the Stillwater version #12 to imitate full size Mayflies.
3 x Straggler Mayfly #14 - £1.50
3 x Straggler Mayfly #16 - £1.50
Tied with less hair on smaller hooks, super allround imitation of several aquatic insects.
3 x Bump Tenkara (RW) #16 - £1.45
3 x Bump Tenkara (RW) #18 - £1.45
P&P is free (minimum order £5)
Flies for Rising Trout (Wild) #14/16 - 16 Fly Selection
Although it will vary these selections include patterns that will tempt surface feeding fish on all still or running waters.
Dry and Emerger flies are offered. Wild patterns are tied on fine wire hooks.
Wild Trout Dryflies #14/16
CDC Caddis. 'F' Fly. Long Legged Black Gnat. Bump Tenkara. Straggler. Deer Hopper
16 Wild Dryflies for £7.90
Wild Trout Emergers #14/16
Bump Tenkara. CDC Shuttlecock. 'F' Fly. CDC Hares Ear. Wyatts Emerger.
16 Wild Emergers for £6.90
Rainbow Trout Dryflies #12/14
These are tied 'soggy' - ie; with not too much hackle so they sit in the film. Use Gink if you want full floaters. Tied on medium wire hooks.
Bobs Bits. CDC Hopper. Bump Tenkara. Gold Ribbed Hares Ear. Deer Caddis.
15 Rainbow Trout Dryflies #12/14 for £7.90
Rainbow Trout Emergers #12/14
These can be ginked to sit in the film or left to fish soggy, slightly sunk can often tempt fish in calm water.
CDC Shuttlecock. CDC Hares Ear. 'F' Fly. Wyatts Emerger. Bobs Bits.
15 Rainbow Trout Emergers #12/14 for £6.90